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   Gear Manufacturing Technology Update       April 11, 2018

Back to Basics: Helical Gears

By Charles Schultz

Most of the gearboxes I have been involved with use single helical gears. Its excellent power capacity per mesh makes it the default system for many designers. Every aspect of these gears is studied and tested in great detail by standards committees and development labs around the world.

My first assignment for AGMA was to attend a Helical Gear Rating Committee gathering in early 1979, when that group was finishing up a major re-write of the American method of rating spur and helical gears...

Read the rest of this post and more on the Gear Technology blog. The four most recent posts all deal with the basics of helical gears.

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Upgrades and Retrofits for Your Furnaces

Upgrades and Retrofits for Your Furnaces

Diablo Furnaces can upgrade and retrofit your furnaces by modifying the flue/combustion system, adding new burners, adjusting door/seal, adding safety flame relays for burn-offs or adding closure block valves. We even provide TUS and SAT's using up to date technology, standard traceable test instrumentation and thermocouple wire. Call 815-636-7855.

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Experience New Technology at IMTS 2018 — Register Today!

Experience New Technology at IMTS 2018 — Register Today!

IMTS 2018 is the premier manufacturing technology show in North America. Held every even-numbered year in Chicago, IMTS attracts buyers and sellers from 117 countries. Covering 1.3 million square feet of show floor, over 2,400 leading manufacturers will display their equipment in ten product pavilions and four co-located shows!

Register Today!

ECM Makes Integration Easy!

ECM Makes Integration Easy!

ICBP Duo TH offers the latest innovations from ECM including expert oil quench technology, rear access maintenance door, preheated chamber and direct integration with other machines in the line. The DUO furnace provides NO flame, NO IGO, NO dedicated area as well as higher productivity, cold wall, heightened safety and environmentally friendly. Find out how this equipment can fit your needs.

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NEW Vacuum Furnace: Immediate Delivery.

NEW Vacuum Furnace: Immediate Delivery.

If you're in the market for a fully-loaded 15-bar vacuum furnace with all the capabilities you dream of, check out Vector® from SECO/VACUUM. We'll have a unit with a 36x36x48 chamber ready to ship in two weeks, and it could be yours, but there's only one, so you'll need to act fast!

Request a quote today.

Achieving Increased Profits and Response Times

Achieving Increased Profits and Response Times

This customer was relocating their existing facility to a new location so they could continue to grow and advance. As such, any new equipment they chose needed to be able to handle the everyday range of requests, from different processes and part geometries to different load sizes.

Read the customer story.

Gear Nitriding in Vacuum

Gear Nitriding in Vacuum

Vacuum gas nitride processing from Solar Atmospheres can significantly increase the fatigue strength and service life of your parts. Benefits include case depths up to 0.025" and improved wear and anti-galling properties due to a 40 - 70% increase in surface hardness. Corrosion resistance is increased through nitrogen-enrichment.

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