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   Gear Manufacturing Technology Update       July 15, 2020

Additive Manufacturing - An Update

Writing about additive manufacturing (AM) and the 3-D printing of gears is somewhat akin to publishing an updated dictionary. A new edition dictionary is literally already out of date before it hits Amazon's or your local bookseller's shelves. New words are coined and definitions are updated constantly. So it is with AM: The technology is evolving so quickly that technical papers and other sources of AM information require constant revision.

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Ten Top Books for Gear Failure Analysis

The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of proven books or standards dealing with failure analysis. Following you will find a short description of ten books or standards. At the end of the document you will find an overview and a detailed reference list.

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Master Gears and Gauges from Star SU

Master Gears and Gauges from Star SU

Star SU offers a wide range of precision gauges for measurement, calibration, setting, and correction purposes including; master gears, setting masters, and rolling gears. Learn more about our entire offering:

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Super IQ gas carburizing does more and costs less

Super IQ gas carburizing does more and costs less

Super IQ® from SECO/VACUUM runs clean, cool and safe, with NO flames and NO endogas. It can achieve temps over 2000°F to allow you to do more. Yet it’s surprisingly affordable and costs less to operate and maintain. It uses standard quench oils and even integrates with existing IQ loaders.

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AGMA Offers Gearing Courses on Virtual Platform

AGMA Offers Gearing Courses on Virtual Platform

The American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) converted six classes — that normally occur face-to-face — into online, live courses to meet industry demand of distance learning opportunities. AGMA has always offered a virtual workforce education series free to members through the AGMA Foundation funding, but the new classes give companies the opportunity to have everyone, from the newest machine operator to an experienced engineer, learn.

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