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   Gear Manufacturing Technology Update       August 9, 2017

Taking On the Impossible

By Chuck Schultz, Gear Technology Technical Editor

Those multi-trillion-dollar figures thrown around for infrastructure repair make progress seem impossible without huge tax increases and a long commitment to a plan — something on the scale of the Interstate Highway System, the Space program, and a world war combined. The cynic in me predicts a complete lack of political will to see this through. The engineer in me, however, knows that when challenged, people can achieve amazing results with limited resources.

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WZL Gear Conference Highlights Latest Technology

By Matthew Jaster, Senior Editor

Liebherr Gear Technology Inc. recently hosted the 7th WZL Gear Conference in the USA 2017 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. This two-day program offered the latest gear advancements in areas like process chains, soft machining, hard finishing and metrology, tribology and acoustics of gears. Liebherr and WZL shared the stage to offer the 100+ attendees the latest research in gearing and briefly touched on the future of our industry.

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Powdered Metal Gears - Low Cost, Net Shape to AGMA 8

Powdered Metal Gears - Low Cost, Net Shape to AGMA 8

  • Short Run to Six-sigma with zero defects
  • Eliminate material waste and scrap lowering cost per part
  • Non-Destructive Tested 100% Certifiable stock to AGMA 8

Please Click to Download Now
What is Barkhausen Noise?

What is Barkhausen Noise?

It is different from nital etch and eddy current. Barkhausen Noise Analysis is a non-destructive testing solution for grinding burn detection, case depth measurement, heat treat defect detection, and residual stress measurement. Discover how this alternative method can improve your quality inspection process.

Download the info sheet now!

The Magazine of Mechanical Components

The Magazine of Mechanical Components

If you buy, specify, recommend or use mechanical power transmission products like gears, bearings, motors, clutches, couplings or brakes, then Power Transmission Engineering is written for you. Subscribe or renew today!

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