Gear Carburizing in Vacuum
Solar Atmospheres provides low pressure vacuum carburizing (LPVC) that significantly increases the surface hardness/strength of steel parts for improved friction and wear. Performing LPVC in a vacuum furnace eliminates oxygen and prevents IGO (intergranular oxidation) that is inherent in atmospheric carburizing, resulting in clean parts with less distortion reducing post process finishing operations, and costs.
CaseMaster Evolution® can double your heat treating productivity
For gear heat treaters looking to dramatically improve throughput without increasing their equipment’s footprint, SECO/VACUUM’S CaseMaster Evolution® multi-chamber vacuum furnace can be equipped with both oil and high pressure gas quenching. Advantages include increased productivity, faster carburizing cycles, consistent processing of dense loads, and less distortion.
Forest City Gear Takes a Closer Look
Forest City Gear uses an EVO Cam advanced full-HD digital microscope for faster visual inspection of precision parts. As compared to the traditional stereoscopes typically used for visual parts inspection, the EVO Cam offers Forest City Gear a much faster and more accurate way to detect for burrs, tears and other surface finish anomalies that might exist in workpieces after machining.
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