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   Gear Manufacturing Technology Update       October 28, 2020

Introduction to Electric Vehicle Transmissions

The first chapter from a new book by Dr. Hermann J. Stadtfeld provides an overview of the need for new technologies and approaches when it comes to developing transmissions for electric vehicles.

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Best Practices to Improve Results in Gear Deburring

All cutting and machining operations produce some type of burr or leave sharp edges on metal components. These unwanted byproducts are especially troublesome when producing precision components such as gears. The burrs can loosen from the gear - either during assembly or later when the gear is in operation - and damage components or lead to critical part failure.

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History of the AGMA J-FACTOR

By Robert Errichello, P.E.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning, I saw the chief draftsman who said, "You're in charge of gears." And he walked away. Dumbfounded, I stared at the back of his head, and sat down at my drafting board. It was November, 1963, shortly after JFK was assassinated, and after I was discharged from the U.S. Army.

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