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   Gear Manufacturing Technology Update       October 12, 2022

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Hyperion Showcased New Materials and Services at IMTS 2022

Hyperion Materials & Technologies manufactures hard and super-hard materials for a wide variety of industries and applications, including cemented carbide blanks for gear cutting and hobbing. Hyperion showcased its gear tool blanks and many other products and manufacturing solutions at IMTS 2022.

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Blaser Examines Every Chip in Detail in an Innovative Series of Tests

The idea of capturing the machining process, chip formation and the behavior of the metalworking fluid more precisely than ever before through photos and videos came about as part of a joint project with the renowned ETH Zurich. The research and development team at Swiss metalworking fluids experts, Blaser Swisslube, set about the planning and implementation.

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Knowledge is power – succeed in Power Skiving with esco

Power Skiving is a very productive technology, but with plenty of challenges involved. The key to success is knowledge and full control of the entire chain from the gear to the cutting tool and the process. For this, esco offers a complete software platform: ePP is the enabler for efficient implementation and use of this cutting-edge technology.

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Spindles Repaired and Balanced for Higher Performance

Spindles Repaired and Balanced for Higher Performance

PDS provides better-than-new spindle repairs for precision machining applications. Two-step balancing yields; minimized vibration well within specs, properly dressed grinding wheel, optimal finish with eliminated part chatter marks and precision profile, waviness, size, taper, and roundness tolerances met. Standard delivery time is 3-5 days, emergency service available. Call us at 704-922-1206.

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Built-for-Stock—Fast Delivery of UBQ Batch Furnace

Built-for-Stock—Fast Delivery of UBQ Batch Furnace

AFC-Holcroft's innovative Built for Stock program offers us the ability to deliver equipment weeks or months earlier than typical build-to-order delivery. Best of all, there is no extra cost for this accelerated delivery. This program features popular equipment such as batch furnaces, EZ endothermic gas generators, and support equipment.

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High Production Carbide Hobs

High Production Carbide Hobs

StarSU is a leading supplier of solid carbide hobs for gear tooth production. Our in-house carbide grades are available for cutting either green or hard materials and can be stripped and recoated. Application driven designs available in shell or shank configurations with multiple threads for maximum efficiencies.

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Join us for our Online Involute Splines course!

Join us for our Online Involute Splines course!

Our second and last offering of the Involute Spline course for 2022 is almost full! Be sure to secure your seat today by registering as soon as possible! It is a great 8 hour class over two days.

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GWJ Technology Extends Involute Gear Output Options

GWJ Technology Extends Involute Gear Output Options

GWJ has extended the output of tooth forms in 2D DXF format in its calculation modules single cylindrical gears, cylindrical gear pairs, planetary gear trains, three- and four-geartrain systems, gear racks and involute splines as part of the new versions of its calculation solutions eAssistant and TBK.

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Renewable Lubricants Presents Biodegradable Gear Oils

Renewable Lubricants Presents Biodegradable Gear Oils

Renewable Lubricants presents patented, ultimately biodegradable Bio-E.P. Gear Oils which are ideal lubricating spur, helical, bevel, and worm gears subject to heavy loading or shock loading in heavy-duty applications.

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