Brass Spur Gears with Concentric Maxi Torque
Custom Machine and Tool Co., Inc.’s brass spur gear bored to accept the patented Concentric Maxi Torque a keyless connection bushing system. The Concentric Maxi Torque offers a compact design eliminating the added cost of shaft modification and extended hubs often associated with the use of set screws or pins.
Timing Belt and Pulley Drive Systems from SDP/SI
SDP/SI is your one-stop source for mechanical components, engineering development, and precision machining. With the ability to cut over 6,000 timing belts per day we are a reliable source for many OEMs. High-quality machined and molded pulleys are manufactured to provide optimum performance for your drive system. Custom capabilities.
Zero Room for Gear Drive Failure Aboard This Ship
For more than 125 years Philadelphia Gear has delivered mission-critical performance and reliable support for the U.S. Navy, even 1000’s of miles offshore. Click to see what "Philadelphia Gear dependability" looks like.
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Webinar: How Modified Gearboxes Solve Real-World Problems
Gearboxes are essential for practically every industry. What happens when there are specific challenges presented - whether it be environmental, safety or application challenges? How can a gearbox work in extreme conditions? Learn how we can implement a standard gearbox with modifications that are ideal for your applications.
Sep 17—10-11 AM CDT
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Not Making the Cut?
Forest City Gear is here to help! Contact us today for a quote or to learn more about our quick-turn, high-precision, world-class Cut Teeth Only capabilities.
Forest City Gear, Excellence Without Exception.
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Establishing a Metric for Identifying Rolling Bearing Cage Dynamics
Low-noise behavior, especially with respect to rolling bearings, is considered one of the most important quality features in machinery and power train engineering. Download this white paper to learn about cage movement in rolling bearings, and discover a methodology that enables an objective assessment of bearing cage dynamics.
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